The Ultimate Fanfiction Websites List for Every Fan

The Ultimate Fanfiction Websites List for Every Fan | 3000-word Article


Fanfiction has become a popular way for fans to express their love for their favorite books, movies, TV shows, and more. With fanfiction, fans can explore new storylines, delve deeper into characters, and even create their own worlds. In this article, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the best fanfiction websites where you can find a wide range of fan-created stories. Whether you’re a fan of Harry Potter, Marvel, or any other fandom, this list will have something for you. So, let’s dive in and discover the top fanfiction websites!

1. Archive of Our Own (AO3)

Archive of Our Own, also known as AO3, is one of the most popular fanfiction websites. It is a fan-run, non-profit platform that hosts a vast collection of fan-created content. AO3 offers a user-friendly interface and allows you to explore fanfiction from various fandoms. You can filter stories based on tags, characters, pairings, and more. With its robust search system and extensive collection, AO3 is a must-visit site for any fanfiction enthusiast.

Why Choose Archive of Our Own?

AO3 stands out for its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. The platform welcomes all types of fanfiction, including slash, femslash, and gen. It also provides a safe and supportive environment for writers and readers. The tagging system allows you to find specific genres, tropes, or themes that interest you. Additionally, AO3 has a dedicated team of volunteers who ensure the site runs smoothly and efficiently.

2. FanFiction.Net

FanFiction.Net, often referred to as FFN, is one of the oldest and largest fanfiction websites. It has been a go-to platform for fanfiction enthusiasts for over two decades. FFN hosts stories from a wide range of fandoms, including books, movies, TV shows, anime, and more. The site offers a simple and straightforward layout, making it easy to navigate and find stories that capture your interest.

Why Choose FanFiction.Net?

With its extensive collection and long-standing reputation, FanFiction.Net provides a platform for both new and experienced fanfiction writers. The site allows you to leave reviews and engage with other fans, fostering a sense of community. It also offers a mobile app, making it convenient to read fanfiction on the go. FanFiction.Net is a treasure trove of fan-created content that is worth exploring.

3. Wattpad

Wattpad is not just a fanfiction website but a platform for all types of storytelling. It hosts a vast collection of original stories, as well as fanfiction from various fandoms. Wattpad offers a sleek and modern interface, making it a popular choice among readers and writers alike. You can discover fanfiction based on your favorite fandoms or explore new genres and authors.

Why Choose Wattpad?

Wattpad provides an opportunity for aspiring writers to showcase their talent and gain a following. The platform offers a supportive community where writers can receive feedback and connect with readers. With its wide range of genres and fandoms, Wattpad is a great place to explore fanfiction and discover new stories. It also offers a mobile app for convenient reading on your smartphone or tablet.

4. Tumblr

Tumblr is a microblogging and social media platform that has become a hub for fan communities. While it is not solely dedicated to fanfiction, Tumblr hosts a vast amount of fan-created content. Fans can create their own blogs and share their stories, art, and theories with others. Tumblr also allows you to follow specific tags or fandoms, making it easy to find fanfiction that aligns with your interests.

Why Choose Tumblr?

Tumblr offers a unique and interactive platform for fans to engage with each other. It allows for multimedia content, meaning you can find not only written fanfiction but also fan art, edits, and more. Tumblr’s reblogging feature enables fans to share and spread their favorite fanfiction easily. It is a vibrant community where you can immerse yourself in your favorite fandoms and connect with like-minded individuals.

5. Quotev

Quotev is a fanfiction website that focuses on interactive storytelling. It allows users to create quizzes, polls, and surveys, along with writing fanfiction. Quotev offers a diverse range of genres and fandoms, catering to various interests. You can also connect with other users through forums and groups, expanding your fanfiction community.

Why Choose Quotev?

Quotev’s interactive features make it a unique platform for fanfiction. You can not only read and write stories but also participate in quizzes and polls related to your favorite fandoms. This interactive element adds a fun twist to the fanfiction experience. Quotev also provides a supportive community where users can interact and share their love for fanfiction.

6., also known as FictionPress, is a platform that hosts not only fanfiction but also original stories. It offers a wide range of genres and allows writers to showcase their creative works. While the site’s layout may appear dated, it still holds a vast collection of fanfiction across different fandoms.

Why Choose provides a platform for writers to share their original stories alongside fanfiction. It allows you to explore different genres and discover new authors. While the site’s interface may not be as modern as others, it still offers a treasure trove of fan-created content that is worth exploring.

7. DeviantArt

DeviantArt is an online art community that also hosts a significant amount of fanfiction. It is a platform where artists and writers can showcase their work and connect with other fans. DeviantArt offers a wide range of fan-created content, including written stories, illustrations, and comics.

Why Choose DeviantArt?

DeviantArt provides a unique blend of visual and written fan-created content. It allows you to explore fanfiction through various art forms, making it a visually captivating experience. The platform also offers a supportive community where artists and writers can receive feedback and connect with fans of their work.

8. Fanfiction Reddit

Reddit is a social media platform known for its diverse range of communities, and fanfiction is no exception. There are several subreddits dedicated to fanfiction, where fans can discuss their favorite stories, share recommendations, and even post their own work. The fanfiction subreddits cover a wide range of fandoms and genres, catering to different interests.

Why Choose Fanfiction Reddit?

Reddit provides a community-driven platform for fanfiction enthusiasts. You can engage in discussions, receive feedback, and discover new fanfiction through recommendations. The platform offers a wealth of knowledge and resources for both readers and writers alike. Fanfiction Reddit is a great place to connect with fellow fans and expand your fanfiction horizons.

9. Crossover Archive

Crossover Archive is a fanfiction website that focuses on crossover stories. If you enjoy seeing your favorite characters from different fandoms interact, this is the place to be. Crossover Archive hosts stories that bring together characters from various books, movies, TV shows, and more.

Why Choose Crossover Archive?

Crossover Archive provides a unique and exciting fanfiction experience by combining different fandoms. It allows you to explore new storylines and witness unexpected character interactions. If you’re looking for something out of the ordinary, Crossover Archive is the perfect place to find captivating crossover fanfiction.

10. Asianfanfics

Asianfanfics is a fanfiction website that focuses on Asian entertainment, including K-pop, J-pop, anime, and more. It hosts a wide range of fan-created content centered around Asian media. Asianfanfics offers a dedicated space for fans to indulge in their favorite Asian fandoms.

Why Choose Asianfanfics?

If you’re a fan of Asian entertainment, Asianfanfics is the go-to platform for fanfiction. It allows you to explore stories based on your favorite K-pop groups, anime series, and more. Asianfanfics offers a niche community where fans can connect and share their love for Asian media.


These fanfiction websites provide a wealth of stories and a vibrant community for fans to indulge in their favorite fandoms. Whether you prefer a specific genre, crossover stories, or interactive fanfiction, there is a platform out there for you. Explore these websites and discover the endless possibilities that fanfiction has to offer. Happy reading and writing!

1. What is fanfiction?

Fanfiction is a form of storytelling where fans create their own stories based on existing books, movies, TV shows, or other forms of media. It allows fans to explore new storylines, expand on characters, and immerse themselves in their favorite fandoms.

2. Are these fanfiction websites free to use?

Yes, all the fanfiction websites mentioned in this list are free to use. You can create an account and start reading or writing fanfiction without any cost.

3. Can I publish my own fanfiction on these websites?

Absolutely! These websites provide platforms for writers to publish their own fanfiction. You can create an account, start writing your stories, and share them with other fans.

4. Are there any age restrictions for accessing fanfiction websites?

Most fanfiction websites do not have age restrictions, but they may contain content that is suitable for mature audiences. It is always a good idea to check the website’s guidelines and ratings to ensure you are comfortable with the content you may come across.

5. Can I interact with other fans on these websites?

Yes, these websites offer features that allow you to interact with other fans. You can leave comments, reviews, or engage in discussions on forums or community groups. Interacting with fellow fans can enhance your fanfiction experience and help you discover new stories.

6. Can I download fanfiction from these websites?

The ability to download fanfiction may vary depending on the website. Some websites allow you to download stories in various formats, such as PDF or EPUB, while others may not provide this feature. Check the website’s guidelines or FAQs for more information on downloading options.

7. Can I request specific fanfiction on these websites?

While you may not be able to make specific requests for fanfiction on these websites, you can often find stories based on specific tags, pairings, or genres. You can use the search or filtering options available to refine your search and find fanfiction that aligns with your preferences.

8. Are these fanfiction websites safe?

These fanfiction websites strive to provide a safe and supportive environment for fans. However, it is always important to exercise caution and be mindful of your online interactions. Familiarize yourself with the website’s guidelines and report any inappropriate or harmful content or behavior.

9. Can I read fanfiction offline?

Some fanfiction websites offer mobile apps or allow you to download stories for offline reading. This feature may vary depending on the website. Check the website’s FAQs or support section for information on offline reading options.

10. Can I share my fanfiction on social media?

Yes, most fanfiction websites allow you to share your stories on social media platforms. You can use the share or link options provided by the website to post your fanfiction on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr.

Remember to always respect the original creators and the intellectual property rights associated with the fandoms you write fanfiction about. Enjoy the world of fanfiction and let your imagination soar!

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